Martha Trust

High Street Deal supports Martha Trust

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Martha Trust is a registered charity that provides residential, respite care and day care for young people and adults with profound physical and multiple learning disabilities. All three of their homes are bright, modern and purpose-built and offer the 33 young people and adults they care for a safe and stimulating home for life.

The creator of this website has a long tradition of supporting Martha Trust and continues to do so.

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For example, this No 1 best selling book which helps children who may be struggling to learn their times tables, has been written by the daughter of a Deal mum and if purchased using the link, at no extra cost to you, Martha Trust will ultimately benefit! What’s not to like.

The staff at Martha Trust make sure that the profoundly disabled people they care for enjoy as full and active a life as possible. They help those in their care to achieve their potential and, where possible, their independence, and respect their right to privacy, to choice and to dignity.

The highest standards of round-the-clock nursing care are combined with state-of-the-art facilities at their three homes in Deal, Kent and Hastings, East Sussex.

Supporting Martha Trust means that people with profound physical and multiple learning disabilities are given the very best opportunities to lead happy, active and fulfilling lives.

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